Friday 8 January 2016

Weekly New/Digital Media Homework 16

The purpose of the media and news reporting is reconsidered in the time of societal anxiety concerning the reporting of terrorism. Issues such as content control and regulation are overviewed within the article.

_87507648_030793485-1The new wave of censorship is arriving on the one-year anniversary of the Charlie Hebdomassacre in Paris, commemorated by the Paris police shooting a suicide bomber dead. The Charlie Hebdo attack was not only the most effective act of freelance censorship in recent memory, but also a spectacular example of effective assimilation. Granted, it’s not the sort of assimilation France’s existing citizens had in mind. They thought the new arrivals would accept French and European cultural and legal norms, but instead theCharlie Hebdo massacre showed us how French and European culture are bending the knee to Islamic law.

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