Friday 15 January 2016

The impact of NDM (48) Feedback/LR

34 - B

WWW - This is difficult to mark as in many ways it is a top level essay: excellent critical autonomy, real authority to the tone, good use of quotes, and great to see both sides of the argument explored.

EBI - There are definite areas for improvement however:
- You never make it clear what your case study is, a real weakness to address
- Far more examples needed, particularly contemporary. Why are you using Rodney King (1991 not 2001) when there are so many recent examples? Not using them weakens the section on UGC considerably.
- Annoying comment but watch your handwriting..! had to read several bits two or three times. Will your examiner be so charitable?
- Focus on the question throughout: some paragraphs referred to 'democracy' and 'equal' but not all.

LR - See blog

- Include examples - strengthen knowledge on case studies - revise!
- Focus on questions - remember to link keywords repeatedly.
- Handwriting.

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